Posted in Lesson, The Christian Women

What it means for a Woman to “keep silence”

Women hold the same value in the eyes of God as men. People who claim the Bible is misogynistic haven’t read more than a few isolated passages.

Is God a feminist? Not according to the most current definition of that term. Is he patriarchal? Certainly. That’s the rub. To some people this translates as:  “God established a society in which men are responsible for the welfare of women and children; therefore, He doesn’t like women.”

This vein could continue but an earlier post discusses this topic more thoroughly. The point of this entry is to dissect a particular passage in the Bible that tells women not to talk in church.

The Context

“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection” (1 Tim. 2:11)

The Apostle Paul is writing to his young pastor friend, Timothy. The second chapter in the letter talks about prayer. By verse 8, he’s discussing possible postures for public prayer.

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